IPOPHL Brings IP to Families
In an effort to involve and empower all sectors of society on intellectual property, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) launched the first FUN IP event at the Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC).
26 August 2016
IPOPHL believes that for an IP culture to take root in the lives of Filipinos, especially among the youth, advocacy must start with the family. Taking off from the Young IP Advocates (YIPA) program that the IPOPHL has established with select science public and private secondary schools in Metro Manila, IPOPHL decided to launch the FUN IP Project with the family members of the YIPA as the initial participants. In her message to the participants, IPOPHL Director General Josephine Rima Santiago emphasized the importance of family as the basic unit of society, where morals and values are instilled. It is, thus, hoped that the value of respect for IP be fostered in the Filipino home as well.
A total of seventy one (71) participants, families and YIPA members coming from Makati Science High School, Manila Science High School, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)-Laboratory High School, Taguig Science High School, and Colegio San Agustin- Makati, actively took part in the whole day fun-filled activities of learning and experiencing IP. Director Carmen Peralta of the DITTB introduced IP in a simple and understandable manner.
Based on the success of the event, the FUN IP is another project that will be institutionalized to promote IP knowledge. The project contributes to the goal of making the Filipino family a staunch supporter of the IP system in the country.
Copyright: IPOPHL