1. IP Office
The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) is an agency under the purview of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism. MyIPO is responsible for the development and administration
of intellectual property rights (IPR) system in Malaysia which consist of industrial property (patent, trade mark, industrial design and layout design of integrated circuit); and copyright and related rights.
MyIPO’s main function includes:
MyIPO’s core services include:
2. Other IP/ IP related Agency
National Intellectual Property Policy
The National Intellectual Property Policy was launched on 27 April 2007.

1. Patent and Utility Innovation
- Flow Chart & Fees
Flow Chart & Fees – Patent Expedited Examination
- Duration of Protection
Patents are protected upon grant for 20 years from the date of filing and subject to yearly renewal. Priority of rights is based on the first-to-file principle.
ii) Utility Innovation
Utility innovations are protected for ten years from the date of filing subject to yearly renewal and may be protected for two additional five-year terms.
2. Trade Mark
- Flow Chart & Fees – Normal Track
- Duration of Protection
3. Industrial Design
- Flow Chart & Fees
- Duration of Protection
4. Geographical Indication
- Flow Chart & Fees
- Duration of Protection
5. Copyright Voluntary Notification
- Flow Chart
- Fee
Item | Description | Fee | FORM | |
(RM) |
(RM) |
1. | Notification of works (referred to in subsection 7(1) of the Act) [subregulations 5(2) and 5(3)] a. Notification of copyright |
15 | 15 | CR-1 |
b. Deposit of the work - i. Compact Disc Read-Only Memory (CD ROM)– per CD ROM |
30 | - | ||
ii. Digital Video Disc (DVD)- per DVD | 50 | - | ||
iii. Thumbdrive / External Hard Disk Drive/ Secure Digital (SD) Card a. 1Kilobyte (KB) -500 Megabytes (MB) |
20 | 20 | ||
b. >500MB-1Gigabiyte (GB) | 30 | 30 | ||
c. Every subsequent additional 500 MB |
10 | 10 | ||
iv. Document a. 1-25 pages |
10 | - | ||
b. 26-50 pages | 10 | - | ||
c. Every subsequent additional 50 pages |
10 | - | ||
2. | Notification of derivative works [subregulations 5(2) dan 5(3)] a. Notification of copyrigh |
30 | 30 | CR-2 |
b. Deposit of the work i. CD ROM – per CD ROM |
30 | - | ||
ii. DVD – per DVD | 50 | - | ||
iii. Thumbdrive / External Hard Disk Drive / SD Card a. 1KB-500MB |
20 | 20 | ||
b. >500 MB-1 GB | 30 | 30 | ||
c. Every subsequent additional 500 MB |
10 | 10 | ||
iv. Document a. 1-25 pages |
10 | - | ||
b. 26-50 pages | 20 | - | ||
c. Every subsequent additional 50 pages |
10 | - | ||
3. | Notification of copyright by a representative [subregulation 5(3) and subregulation 14(2)] |
30 | 30 | CR-3 |
4. | Request for amendment to a notification of copyright [regulation 6] |
30 | 30 | CR-4 |
5. | Request for certificate of the notification of copyright [subregulation 8(2)] |
50 | 50 | CR-5 |
6. | Request for correction of clerical error [regulation 9] |
30 | 30 | CR-6 |
7. | Correction, expungement or amendment [regulation 10] |
- | - | CR-7 |
8. | Request for examination of the Register [regulation 11]- per hour |
20 | - | |
9 | Request for extracts [regulation 12] i. Certified extracts – per page |
10 | - | CR-9 |
ii. Non certified extracts- per page | 5 | - | ||
iii. Electronic a. 1KB-1 GB |
30 | - | ||
b. Every subsequent additional 1GB | 10 | - | ||
10. | Notification of change of address [regulation 13] |
20 | 20 | CR-10 |
11. | Notification of assignment, licence or testamentary disposition [regulation 14] |
50 | 50 | CR-11 |
- Duration of Protection
6. Layout Design of Integrated Circuit
- Duration of Protection
1. Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia 2002
2. Patents Act 1983
Patents Regulations 1986
3. Trade Marks Act 1976
Trade Marks Regulations 1997
4. Industrial Designs 1996
Industrial Designs Regulations 1999
5. Geographical Indications 2000
Geographical Indications 2001
6. Copyright Act 1987
Copyright (Notice of Prohibition of Import) Regulations 1987
Copyright (Public Libraries and Educational, Scientific or Professional Institutions) Order 1987
Copyright (Application to Other Countries) Regulations 1990
Copyright (Copyright Tribunal) Regulations 2012
Copyright (Licensing Body) Regulations 2012
Copyright (Voluntary Notification) Regulations 2012
Treaty Membership
Malaysia is a member of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) since 1989 and has
acceded to seven conventions/treaties/agreements administered by WIPO as follows:
(i) Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in 1989;
(ii) Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1990;
(iii) Patent Cooperation Treaty in 2006;
(iv) Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks in 2007;
(v) Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks in 2007;
(vi) WIPO Copyright Treaty in 2012; and
(vii) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty in 2012.
Malaysia is also a signatory to the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement since 1995.
Malaysia’s IP legislations complies with the TRIPs Agreement and other IP international treaties which Malaysia is
a party to.